Bank of Ireland – Show Your Support

Bank of Ireland - Show Your Support This campaign was to promote Bank of Ireland's sponsorship of Ulster Rugby for 17 years and Mammoth was asked to come with a campaign that celebrated this. As Senior Content Creative in Mammoth, I came up with the advert concept and produced the advert, using images from fans… Read More

Open Days – Queen’s University Belfast

Open Days campaign - Queen's University Belfast The brief was to promote Queen’s Family Open Day 2015 to prospective students from Great Britain, for Queen’s Domestic Recruitment department. I worked collaboratively with colleagues to produce and deliver this integrated campaign. As a result of the campaign, the event outperformed the 2014 Family Open Day event… Read More

Clearing – Queen’s University Belfast

Clearing - Queen's University Belfast Clearing and adjustment is the time after A-level results come out for pupils who have either not got the grades they needed to get into their choice of university, or they want to get a better offer. Strategic Marketing and Communications were asked to promote Queen’s as a welcome university… Read More

Dublin City University

Dublin City University - Experience DCU The ‘Experience DCU’ project was the 5th project Mammoth carried out for DCU, an ambitious set of videos promoting every facet of the university and appealing to all its audiences. Its 5 composite videos covered sport, research, support, clubs and societies and enterprise, with an overall edit summing up… Read More